Trimmline Orion 500

Trimmline Orion 500

Oslagbart mångsidig för segelmakare

På grund av ökad efterfrågan är trimlinan Orion tillbaka i sortimentet.


  • Kärna: Polyester
  • Mantel: polyester


Trimmline Orion 500: white-red

Much to the delight of our customers from the sailmaker sector, the popular Orion 500 trim line is back in the catalog. This line excels due to optimally processed polyester both in the core and in the cover.

Therefore, this line features excellent abrasion and UV resistance values which make it perfectly suitable as trim or luff line.


Diameter [mm] Längd [m] Vikt [g/m] BL [daN]
2 250 2 60
3 200 5 150
4 125 10 300
5 100 16 440
6 100 24 550

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