Sirius Green

The sustainable choice on any cruising yacht

With the same sentiment when introducing Rio Green - to make water sports more sustainable - Robline now also offers a more environmentally conscious version of one of our most importan products for Cruising. Sirius Green follows the same concept as our Sirius 500 - low stretch, high stability, but 100% recycled Polyester. It includes a green tracer to show its sustainable pedigree.



  • Cover: rPET
  • Core: rPET

Color variation

grey blue
grey yellow
grey orange
grey white
Diameter [mm] Length [m] Weight [g/m] BL [daN]
8 200 56 1800
10 200 78 2800
12 150 107 3500

Typing errors and technical changes reserved. The data are typical values without warranty or guarantee.
For questions we are always at your disposal